
The Land Of First Human Rights Charter

  • "I have no religion, but if I were to choose one, it would be that of Shariati's." Jean-Paul Sartre ---------------------------------- My Lord, grant me success in struggling during failure, in having patience in disappointment, in going alone, in Jihad without weapons, in working without pay, in making sacrifice in silence, in having religious belief in the world, in having ideology without popular traditions, in having faith (Iman) without pretensions, non-conformity without immaturity, beauty without physical appearance, loneliness in the crowd, and loving without the beloved knowing about it. ----------------------------------
  • HAJJ: Reflection on Its Rituals, by Ali Shariati
  • photos: Farshad Palideh & Ehsan Mohammadi
  • June 2009
    M T W T F S S

What’s going on in Iran?

Posted by Parsin on June 19, 2009

4 Responses to “What’s going on in Iran?”

  1. jonolan said

    And so, if it comes to widespread bloodshed as it likely will, would you accept aid from America and/or Israel? How much is your democracy and freedom worth to you? Would you fight in the trenches next to an American and a Israeli?

    No! Never! Our People will never ask help from US, and we don’t consider the criminal and illegitimate Israelis as a government.

  2. jonolan said

    So your democratic freedoms don’t mean that much to you it seems. Good luck with the revolution in any case. Hopefully it won’t be too much of a bloodbath.

  3. Glenn said


    Have been ill and just got your comment. I’m sorry for what I wrote to you the last time. I really do think of you as a brother.

    I’m so sorry about the situation of there. I never thought that Nazi would be re-elected (although it was fixed). I hope neither you or your dad got arrested.

    I lost your email address, as I moved up to Windows 7 and forgot to save my files. Please send it to me.

    I will post this again on your site, which I noticed hasn’t been posted on since last summer. I hope the government didn’t block it. I liked the green outline you put on it. Made a strong point.

  4. Glenn said


    I lost your email address, as I moved up to Windows 7 and forgot to save my files. Please send it to me.

    I notice your site hasn’t been posted on since last summer. I hope the Mullahs there didn’t block it. I liked the green outline you put on it. Made a strong point.

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